專利申請 Patent Application

專利 Patent


The types of patent rights in various countries of the world can be divided into three types: invention, new type and design according to the content and duration of protection.

商標 Trademark


A trademark is a mark used to distinguish the goods of an industrial or commercial enterprise or such a group of enterprises.

版權 Copyright

版權亦稱“著作權”。指作者或其他人(包括法人) 依法對某一著作物享受的權利。

Copyright refers to the rights enjoyed by an author or other person (including a legal person) on a work in accordance with law.

Patent is protection for invention

發明是指具有新穎性和創造性的產品、物質或方法。 專利擁有人有權阻止其他人製造、使用、出售或進出口其發明。任何人未經許可,即屬侵權。

An invention is a product, substance or method that is novel and inventive. The patent owner has the right to prevent others from making, using, selling or importing or exporting his invention. Anyone is infringing without permission.

We can assist clients to make the following Patent Applications :

  • 發明專利 Patent
  • 實用新型專利 Utility Model Patents
  • 外觀專利 Appearance Patents

