商標申請 Trademark Application

申辦商標註冊前, 必須查明是否有相同或類似的商標已經註冊或申請註冊。商標註冊處提供檢索及初步意見服務, 任何人士均可從商標註冊處的記錄取得關於商標的資料。

Before applying for trademark registration, you must find out whether any identical or similar trademarks have already been registered or are applying for registration. The Trademark Registry provides search and preliminary opinion services, and anyone can obtain information about trademarks from the records of the Trademark Registry.

你的商標一經註冊, 你便可以就有關貨品及服務擁有該商標的專有使用權。如其他商戶未經你同意在香港把該商標用於的相同或類似的貨品或服務上, 即屬侵權行為, 你可以就此採取法律行動。

Once your trademark is registered, you can own the exclusive right to use the trademark in relation to the goods and services. If other merchants use the trademark on the same or similar goods or services in Hong Kong without your consent, it is an infringement and you can take legal action in this regard.